7+ Ways to Sleep Better by using Sleeping Aids


The modern lifestyle makes us experience challenging things at once throughout the day. We endure stressful workloads, studies, parenting, and individual tension. A goodnight’s sleep, in the end, will be much more rewarding. It is easy to imagine sleeping peacefully, however, everyone has a fair bit of tossing and turning on the bed before one is fast asleep. The question of how to go to sleep remains. According to the American Sleep Association, 50 – 70 million adults in the US face sleep disorders. Some of these disorders are Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, and Night terrors. All of these sleep disorders have a common root cause ‘Lack of Sleep’. Every one of us may have at least been troubled once, because of lack of sleep for a prolonged duration, possibly days or months. Disturbed sleeping pattern stems from the hectic schedule, depression, physical pain, and several other reasons. Some of these problems are persistent as we try to find out different ways to fall asleep. Since the turn of the last decade, sleeping aids and items are gaining popularity in the US. These sleeping aid assists in creating an ideal sleeping environment, understanding individual sleep pattern and much more. A lot of people have also tried sleep remedies and sleep therapy. The results vary for different individuals. As reported by Statista, an American website, the OTC revenue for sleeping aid in the US has grown from 217 million US dollars in 2011 to 429 million US dollars in 2020.

Source -  Statista.com
Sleeping aid OTC revenue in the United States from 2011 to 2020 (in million U.S. dollars.)

With an increasing number of people facing disorder, the number of sleeping aids will sky-rocket in the future. The market is filled with tablets and pills that increase your melatonin for improving your sleep they come with side-effects. Although you might be tempted to take these melatonin-boosting pills to doze off quickly, the best alternatives are sleeping aids products, because of their almost zero side effects. If you are battling with any of the sleep disorders, you may want to try out these risk-free products to sleep peacefully at night.

1. Blackout Curtains for Darker Rooms

A quiet, cool, and dark room is conducive for a tight sleep. As we all know, light and noise highly influence sleep. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the night and day cycle. Light tends to reduce or stop melatonin production. Blackout curtain ensures complete darkness that results in optimum production of melatonin for a good night’s sleep. The blackout curtain is a suitable product for people who work night shifts as the light during the day can affect their melatonin production and circadian rhythm. Some of the blackout curtains claim to block noises and provide thermal protection. You can buy any blackout curtain that keeps the light out during the day and night.

2. Sleep Comfortably on Plush Bedding

Let’s admit, we all love a cozy bed. Whether we sleep, read, watch TV or browse the internet, doing it on a snug bed delights the mind and body. Mainly due to the comfort a well-made homely bedding offers. Good bedding also plays an important role in how well you sleep. Sleeping on rugged and disordered bedding often causes inconvenience and pain. It can lead to less sleep, physical pain, and other problems. Naturally, apart from sleeping aids, bedding is the most essential commodity for a relaxing night. A soft mattress, fitted sheet, duvet, and pillow make for excellent bedding. Softer and smoother bedding means a better sleeping experience. You can find some of the best bed sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, and sheet sets here on Pizuna Linens.

3. Bedroom Décor that Spreads Positivity 

A cluttered bedroom fails to provide a positive vibe. The reason why we fall asleep faster during stays at luxury hotels is because of the tidiness, temperature, lighting, and bedding. You often search for the best bedroom design on websites to decorate your bedroom. Why not pick something up that matches your personality? You can always mix and match your bedroom décor to feel at home and comfortable. The most important thing is to choose calming bedroom colors and furniture that organizes the clutter. A neat and clean bedroom will help you sleep peacefully at night. Here are some bedroom ideas that might interest you.

4. Lighting that is comfortable on the eyes

The right amount of lighting before you sleep matters. As the melatonin gets affected by exposure to light, it may cause problems while sleeping. There are several lighting choices available in the market to create the perfect environment for sleeping. These decorative lights and bulbs emit a specific light that is easy on the eyes and are relaxing. A study conducted in 2017, found out that people tend to fall asleep quicker with their preferred light color before bed. So, it all depends on the choice of light or relaxing color light you are comfortable with the most. However, you may still want to opt-in for sleep-inducing lights which are available online.

5. Monitor Sleeping Habits 

With the right amount of data, it gets much easier to manage your sleeping time. There are multiple apps available on the Android Play Store and iOS App Store to let you understand your sleeping patterns. Some of the apps have meditations, stories, and melodious sounds for creating pleasant conditions before sleeping. A few apps also show intuitive statistics which includes graphs, tables, and bars for understanding sleeping patterns. The apps are compatible with smartwatches to monitor your heart rate and motion during sleep. Although, the accuracy of these apps is doubtful as they can track the duration but not the quality of the sleep. You can find some of the best sleeping aid apps here. 

6. Sleeping Naturally

It is the most natural form of enjoying a good night’s sleep. These essential oils have properties to induce sleep. The oils are also known to relax the mind and improve the overall quality of your sleep. There are several ways to use these essential oils. Installing a diffuser and adding a drop or two of these essential oils before your bedtime or putting a few drops to your pillow can be hugely beneficial in getting restful sleep.

7. Cutting off the Blue Light

Screens on electronic devices produce blue light that messes up your melatonin production. The ideal practice is cutting-off screen time at least one hour before your bed. However, if you have to work or watch your favorite web series before sleeping, adding apps to reduce the Blue Light exposure will help you sleep better. Nowadays, most smartphones have an in-built setting to filter Blue Light – or else you can download some of the third-party apps. Similarly, there are numerous apps for desktops and laptops, that cut off the blue light emitting from the devices. A lot of people also buy Blue Light blocking glasses while using electronic screen gadgets.

8. Cover the Eyes

The most conventional method to block lighting before sleep is using eye masks to cover your eyes before sleeping. Preferably, eye masks should be worn by people with nocturnal lagophthalmos. Nocturnal lagophthalmos is a condition that doesn’t allow an individual to close the eyelids completely. Nevertheless, eye masks help cut off the light when you sleep depending on the fabric. Some eye masks are made to provide blackout and a few allow a bit of light to pass through. The most important thing before you purchase an eye mask is to see whether it is comfortable. No one would like to wake up in the middle of the night to find out the eye mask has slipped on to the nose.

9. Meditate with Technology 

Meditation is an ancient technique proven to relax and calm your mind. The advent of technology has ensured that guided meditation from the gurus and monks is possible on a smartphone. Sleep meditation is a practice to let your mind explore the subconscious, leaving behind worries and trouble. These apps also feature music to help you sleep better, as music is an integral part of relaxing. The benefit of meditation is lifelong. Here are some of the best apps for meditation before you go to bed.
